Saturday, January 30, 2010

Body Vision Weight Bench 27 Weeks Pregnant, Persistant Headache, Vision Changes, Rapid Weight Gain? Please Answer!?

27 weeks pregnant, persistant headache, vision changes, rapid weight gain? Please answer!? - body vision weight bench

I am 27 weeks pregnant, and since I'm pregnant, I had severe headaches, have spots, and had blurred vision. My doctor is not concerned. My blood pressure was about 120/70 and no protein in urine. I also had shoulder pain, abdominal pain and spots on the last 2 weeks. I went to the emergency room, where they were held on the last Sunday absolutely nothing wrong with me. The visit was by the regular contractions and bloody discharge.
Weighed myself today, I see this morning that I am 11 pounds increased in 3 weeks! I am very worried because I know that my body just did not want to "feel good". My doctor was not concerned that I have seen these points in the last 21 weeks, and now I'm playing the theme more tired. In my view, will appear very grainy and headaches, all the time. I do not know what to do! I like my doctor and that is wonderful, I will not change, but at the same time, I feel there is something wrong with me, will be ignored. Thanks for the advice!


crazzy_n... said...

Gestational diabetes, perhaps?

I do not know anything else cause these symptoms.

I got a new doctor! You sound like an ***. Doctors should be provided with anomalies Concero and listen to their patients.

☻☆REBEL DEVIL☆☺ said...

This is normal and what has happened to me.

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